The Endocannabinoid System or ECS strives to restore and maintain balance or “homeostasis” in the body. This Cannabinoid receptor system is where marijuana becomes medicine. The pharmacologically active compounds Cannabinoids, Terpene, and Flavonoids bind with our ECS receptors to produce therapeutic effects. The ECS regulates our immune system, protects nerve cells, and influences mood, memory, appetite, sleep, sensation, and movement.
The ECS is a physiological system made up of neurons, cannabinoids, and cannabinoid receptors throughout our body. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds produced naturally within the body or from substances produced to mimic the effects of natural cannabinoids. Let’s break this definition down one step further.
Endocannabinoids are cannabinoids made within the body-Endo-means “inner”. The two primary compounds our bodies produce are Anadamide (AEA) (Ananda-Sanskrit for “bliss”) and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids produced by cannabis-Phyto-means “plant”. These compounds include THC, CBD, CBN, CBDA, CBG, THCV, THCA, etc. The purpose of the Endocannabinoids System is to unlock and bind with specific receptors and regulate functions in the body to maintain optimal health or homeostasis. The exact layout of each person’s ECS is unique, which is why cannabis affects each of us differently. All vertebrates are born with an Endocannabinoid System
Cannabinoids are the ‘keys’ within our Endocannabinoid System and fit into specific ‘locks’ or receptors, to balance our bodily functions. The Endocannabinoid System consists of three parts: receptors, cannabinoids and enzymes. A complex network of cannabinoid receptors are located on the surfaces of cells throughout the body. Cannabinoids are molecules that bind to and “activate” the receptor sites and are can be produced within the body- Endo or plants Phyto. Enzymes are molecules that break down the cannabinoids after use and build receptors when needed.
Talk with your Primary Care Physician and Certifying Cannabis Physician/Nurse Practitioner about the benefits of medical cannabis. If you have additional questions our knowledgeable Patient Care Agents are here to assist you.