Safe Medicating
One of cannabis’s greatest advantages as a medicine is its level of safety. There has never been a death recorded from the use of cannabis. It’s extraordinarily high estimated lethal dose is equivalent to smoking approximately 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes – a physical impossibility. However, in order to prevent unwanted discomfort, patients are advised to follow safety guidelines and use the lowest dose possible that will provide optimal medical relief.
Medical Cannabis Dosing Guide
Remember these 5 helpful tips when medicating with cannabis:
Safe Setting
Medicate at home or in a safe location; do not drive or operate heavy machinery while intoxicated.
Right Mindset
You are in control of your own healthcare and wellness. Keep in mind no one has ever overdosed on well sourced cannabis medicine.
Hydrate When You Medicate
Drink a tall glass of water before, during, and after you medicate. This will help to manage the negative symptom of dry mouth.
Start Low and Go Slow
Start a the lowest dose possible and work your way up, overtime, to find the right dose unique to you.
Track Your Wellness Journey
Log your medication details in a dosing journal taking note of the time taken, rout of administration (edible, tincture, flower, vape), the dose in milligram (mg), your level of comfort before and after you medicate, its effects, and any additional details (strain, cannabinoid percentages, etc).
Forms of Cannabis Medication
Starting dose
One 5 second inhale (approximately 2.5mg – 5mg); if the THCA% is above 25% take a smaller dose.
Effects and Duration
The effects of inhaling cannabis are almost felt immediately, between 2 – 10 minutes and can last 1 to 2 hours.
Forms of Cannabis Medicine
Inhalation of concentrates includes vapor cartridges, EHO, and Rosin. These forms of cannabis are significantly more potent compared to the originating flower.
Starting Dose
One 5 second inhale on a vape cartridge is equal to one dose (approximately 5mg). For other concentrates, start with a rice grain amount.
Effects and Duration
The effects are felt almost immediately, between 2 – 10 minutes and can last 1 to 2 hours.
Forms of Cannabis Medicine
Tinctures and lozenges
Starting Dose
2.5mg to 5mg of THC. Use the measured dropper to administer under the tongue so the medication can be absorbed through the mucus membrane.
Effects and Duration
Effects are felt within 10 to 30 minutes with a duration of 4 – 6 hours. Re-evaluate your comfort level after 5 hours to see if another dose is necessary.
Forms of Cannabis Medicine
Cookies, brownies, soft chews, and truffles
Starting Dose
2.5mg to 5mg of a THC edible
Effects and Duration
Effects are felt between 1.5 – 4 hours, after ingesting, and last a long time, 6 to 8 hours! If no effects were felt, increase the dose by 2.5mg, the NEXT day, cutting the edibles into smaller pieces if necessary.
Forms of Cannabis Medicine
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) Full Spectrum (Whole Plant) cannabis medicine
Starting Dose
1/2 grain of rice sized drop – best taken on a cracker, a piece of bread or with food as it is very sticky.
Effects and Duration
Effects are felt between 1 – 3 hours and last 4 – 6 hours or longer, as it is ingested.
Forms of Cannabis Medicine
Topical balm, body butter, or lotion
Starting Dose
Dime to quarter sized amount or more depending on the surface area.
Effects and Duration
Effects are felt between 5 and 30 minutes and can last 3 – 5 hours.
Talk with your Primary Care Physician and Certifying Cannabis Physician/Nurse Practitioner about the benefits of cannabis. If you have ay questions about cannabis or how our products are made, our friendly and knowledgeable Patient Care Agents are here to help you.