Alternative Compassion Services is New England’s premiere destination for medicinal and recreational cannabis. Founded on the principles of product quality and outstanding customer service, Alternative Compassion Services makes cannabis as accessible as possible to patients and 21 plus consumers in Massachusetts.
How it all started
President Stephen Werther started the process of developing a seed-to-sale medical dispensary in 2015. With Bridgewater Planning Board and Town approval, construction began in June of 2017. In March of 2018 cultivation commenced and we gladly opened our dispensary doors to patients and caregivers in August of 2018. We now produce hundreds of different products, offer a home delivery program, and opened a second medical retail location in February 2022 – bringing medical access to Hull and surrounding South Shore communities. We have an incredibly compassionate team, dispense mostly ACS crafted products, and are thankful to be an essential part of the Massachusetts medical and recreational cannabis community.
We Are Here for the Wellbeing of Patients
Our vision is simple and is reflected in our name. We believe patients deserve a friendly, safe, and professional environment to obtain their medicine. We set ourselves apart from other cannabis options in Massachusetts because of our compassion for patients and our superior product quality. We strive for this vision every day – in our products, cultivation methods, and in our team. If you are a first-time patient, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will assist you to make your visit easy and intuitive. If you are an experienced patient, we hope our staff inspires confidence and our products help provide relief. For the therapeutic use of medical cannabis, Alternative Compassion Services is here to serve well-crafted quality products with integrity and compassion.
ACS Board Members
Since starting our cannabis journey in 2015, we have seen many changes to the industry. The legalization of Adult Use/Recreational cannabis in 2016 ushered in new challenges. We remain committed to providing medically focused products and service to our patients but with the plethora of Rec dispensaries available we found it necessary to add Adult Use sales in order to maintain our Patient programs.
We continue to educate the public about the benefits of becoming a medical patient and have successfully campaigned to remove the bans on Rec Cannabis in Bridgewater by Ballot Vote January 2023 and in Hull by STM Warrant Article Vote in August 2023. These reversals have taken great effort and shown us how much support residents in our communities have for ACS.
We are extremely grateful for this and have plowed ahead to get Adult Use added as quickly as possible. In Bridgewater, on February 28, 2024, on our Hull Dispensary’s 2 year Anniversary, ACS added Recreational Sales! In Hull, our HCA application has been submitted to the SelectBoard and we continue to reach out to town officials for updates.