Not your average deviled egg! Cannabis binds nicely with foods high in fat and this infused recipe is just the snack we all need this spring season. As everyone has a unique dose, when it comes to … [Read more...]
Pot O’ Gold Cannabutter
How to make Cannabis Butter Making Cannabis infused butter “Cannabutter” can be a tedious task with unpredictable and uncomfortable results. ACS offers trusted products for infusing, simple … [Read more...]
Chocolate is Love – Unlocking the Mysteries of Cacao
It’s February and as Valentine’s Day approaches, Love and Chocolate abound. How did “Chocolate is Love” come to be and why do we crave it so? Scientists wondered too and among chocolates 380 known … [Read more...]
Boosting Our Happy Hormones
Cannabis is a valuable tool in our Health and Wellness Toolkit. It’s primary effects occur via the Endocannabinoid System when Phyto(Plant) Cannabinoids (THC/CBD) bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors found … [Read more...]
Reset Mindset: Cannabis Sensitization
At ACS your Health and Wellness are our priorities. As the New Year unfolds we encourage you to assess your Cannabis use to determine if any changes are needed. Our unique Endocannabinoid Systems … [Read more...]
Chasing some ZZZs – Can cannabis help with sleep?
Along with the call to start fresh with resolutions, taking stock of our physical, mental health and life situations comes the cold of winter calling us to hunker down, snuggle up and SLEEP. SLEEP… … [Read more...]
COVID and Cannabis Considered
By Ellen Kasper, RN Although Corona Viruses such as the Common Cold, have been around for a long time, The Novel Corona Virus 2019 is new. From mild cold symptoms, to pneumonia, to serious effects … [Read more...]
Quality Vape Equipment and Medicine with Merit
Vaporizers are portable electronic batteries that heat an attached cannabis oil cartridge almost to combustion, providing a smokeless mist or vapor for inhalation. Many patients find Vape pens easy, … [Read more...]
Diabetes and Medical Cannabis
By Sarah MacLeod, from Holdfast Healing Approaching diabetes management looks a little different for each individual. Depending on the type of diabetes someone has, they may be taking insulin … [Read more...]
Cannabis for Women
For hundreds of years, women have been medicating with cannabis as it proves to be a reliable natural treatment for medical conditions unique to their bodies. In … [Read more...]
Cannabis, Opioids and the Endocannabinoid System: Characterizing and Managing Pain
A 5 part series - Understanding the different types of pain allows the individual to recognize the best plan of action for medicine, therapy and treatment. As every person is unique, treatment plans … [Read more...]
Cannabis Infused Local Honey & Seasonal Allergies
It is that time of year when cars are covered with a thin yellow dusting of pollen as susceptible families replenish their tissue supply and look for ways to manage their unrelenting symptoms of … [Read more...]