Cannabis is a valuable tool in our Health and Wellness Toolkit. It’s primary effects occur via the Endocannabinoid System when Phyto(Plant) Cannabinoids (THC/CBD) bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors found throughout our brain and body. Cannabis can also change Hormone or Neurotransmitter levels. Science is still determining how short and long term Cannabis use effects these levels. Hormones are chemicals produced by different glands throughout the body. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers made by a nerve cell that transmit messages to another nerve, muscle or gland cell. Travelling through the bloodstream, these messengers have an effect on many bodily functions. Certain Hormones/Transmitters are known to promote Positive Feelings, Happiness and Pleasure.
Happy Hormones
Dopamine – Also known as the “Feel-Good” Hormone. Dopamine is a Hormone and Neurotransmitter that’s an important part of the brain’s Reward System. It’s associated with pleasurable sensations, motivation, arousal, learning, memory, and movement.
Serotonin – A Hormone and Neurotransmitter, Serotonin helps regulate mood, sleep, appetite, digestion, learning ability, and memory.
Oxytocin – Among the most ancient of our neurochemicals it’s often called the “ Cuddle” Hormone. Oxytocin is active during childbirth, breastfeeding, and promotes strong parent-child bonding. It helps promote trust, empathy, and bonding in relationships. Levels increase with physical affection- kissing, cuddling, and sex. Oxytocin counteracts the effects of Cortisol -the Stress Hormone. Oxytocin is also an anti-inflammatory, reduces pain, promotes wound healing.
Endorphins – Your body’s natural pain reliever, produced in response to stress or discomfort. Endorphin levels increase when you engage in reward-producing activities- eating, working out, or having sex.
Boost Happy Hormone Levels
- EXERCISE – Boosts Serotonin and Endorphins
- SUNSHINE – Aids in Vitamin D production needed to create brain chemicals such as Dopamine. Plus it just FEELS good to Get Outside!
- VITAMIN D – Found in fish liver oils, egg yolks, fortified dairy and grain products or supplements
- CHOCOLATE – Dark chocolate boosts Endorphins and Serotonin. Check out our latest blog post about chocolate – Unlocking the Mysteries of Cacao.
- PAT A PET – 15 mins petting a dog or cat releases Serotonin, Prolactin, and Oxytocin, and lowers Cortisol-the stress hormone
- MEDITATE – Meditation and mindfulness stimulate the pituitary gland to release Endorphins that promote relaxation, self-healing, and overall wellbeing.
- B VITAMINS – Required for production of Dopamine, Serotonin. Symptoms of deficiency are irritability, short attention span and short-term memory loss. Found in brown rice, legumes, kale, spinach broccoli, whole grains, meats
- SPEND TIME WITH LOVED ONES – Stimulates Oxytocin release
- GIVE AND ACCEPT COMPLIMENTS – Activates the brains reward circuit. Releases Dopamine. Associated with motivation, focus, and positivity. Improves long-term memory
- LAUGH – Releases Endorphins and Dopamine. Increases pain tolerance. Laughing has been around since the dawn of man and is very contagious. Theories are that it is a Tension Reliever or evolved as a shared expression of relief after surviving a passing danger.
- GIVE – Giving releases the “Happiness Trifecta” chemicals Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin all at once. As we give, the action of those reward chemicals encourages us to give more!
- MUSIC – Listening to music creates peak emotions, increasing Dopamine. Singing increases Oxytocin. Think Lullaby…
- MASSAGE – Activates Endorphins, Serotonin and Dopamine to reduce anxiety and give a sense of wellbeing.
- SMILE – Smiling, even if forced, makes the brain release tiny molecules to fight off stress. Dopamine, Serotonin and Endorphins are released to fight pain, depression, and boost the immune system. A Smile starts the feedback loop as one person after another Smiles in response. Science has shown Smiling may even prolong your life.
Feel Good in Spring and into the seasons ahead by adding these simple tools to your Health and Well Being Toolkit. ACS will be offering wellness classes and workshops throughout the year. We also provide monthly opportunities to help our community-a great way to increase those happy hormones. ACS carries an array of products that are an integral part of promoting wellness and “feeling good”. Follow us on Instagram and visit Alternative Compassion Services Events page to watch wellness YouTube videos and learn more.